Mar 2, 2008

Organizing Thy Desktop . . .

I am a freak about being organized. I'm so freaky about it, that I recently tackled organizing my computer desktop. You know how those little icons just end up everwhere on the screen - and you try to line them up with some type of order, but it never really makes sense?

I figured out a way to organize those little icons and it was soooo easy. Here's my desktop now:

Those lovely digital brushes are courtesy of Jason Gaylor: You've gotta check out his blog!

I'm going to explain how I did this, since I'm sure there are more people that want to organize their icons . . . right? . . . . ummmm . . . . there ARE more people that want to do this, aren't there? . . . maybe I'm just weird that way . . . .

Here's how I did it - realize that I am NOT terribly digi-savvy - I figured some of this out after taking an online class with Renee Pearsons - but mostly I just play around.

1. Take out a ruler and actually measure your computer desktop.
2. Organize the icons you currently have on your desktop into categories. I used "Programs", "Security", "Frequently Used Links", "Printing / Music", and "References" as my categories.
3. In Photoshop Elements create a new file with the same dimensions as the desktop you measured in step one.
4. Imagine the icons you organized into category blocks. Measure the size of these blocks and where they start and end (in inches) on the desktop.
5. Create these blocks in PSE using the 'rectangle tool'.
6. Fill the blocks with colors you want and add titles to the blocks.
7. Add brushes for interest. I decreased the opacity of my brushes to 50% so the brushes did not over power the icons themselves.
8. Save the desktop creation in PSD form so you can alter it at any time.
9. Save the desktop creation in JPG form so it can be uploaded as your desktop photo under 'My Computer' > 'Control Panel' > 'Display' > 'Desktop'

See! Quite easy, right?!

Want to also to let you know there is a cool class starting at Check it out: The class is taught by Debbie Hodge, who is amazingly talented!

It's all about Scrapping YOURSELF - something we all do way too little of. I have a real hard time scrapping about myself. This class should be a GREAT help!

Have a creative week! - betsy


  1. Ahhh, Betsy! This is WONDERFUL! I love the organized desktop! What a great idea. So pretty, too. :)

    Have a good week!

  2. ...oh...I wish I was that organized!!! it looks so cute.....

  3. OK, I LOVE this idea! Love it! May have to be doin' this myself.

  4. you've been tagged! check my blog

  5. I love that idea, Betsy, prettiest desktop I've ever seen! :) Thanks for the instructions!


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