Dec 14, 2010

Quick Gift Idea

Here's a quick gift idea that's cheap, fun to put together, and can be modified and used over and over for many different occasions.

Michael's stores are selling these little acrylic turn-able boxes:

and Jenni Bowlin mini Bingo Cards fit into the sides of the box PERFECTLY!

For a quick and easy teacher's gift you can combine the School Days Mini Bingo Cards with school supplies you think the teacher would love and use for a sweet little gift:

Can you imagine this filled with all those cute decorative pencils teachers give as "rewards"?

Or for a gift for another scrapper in your life, how about using these mini bingos:

with scrapbooking supplies?

Or how about these party mini bingos:

with a bouquet of lollipops?

 I used the mini Christmas Bingo Cards with some sprigs of berries and a JBS butterfly to make this sweet little arrangement:

I LOVE stuff like this.  Where the possibilities are endless - simplicity and creativity rule - and you don't have to spend a bundle to do it!

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Betsy!! Thank you! My mind has been drawing a blank this year. Off to M's I'll go soon! :)

  2. and that is why you are on her DT!!! rock on gitl!!!

  3. That is such a cute idea!!!
    I love the final result with the branches!


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