
Oct 24, 2012

WOYWW : 177

Another issue of What's On Your Work desk Wednesday!  Be sure to check out Julia who starts it off!

My space is making me mighty happy right now because it's filled with bits and baubles, pliers, wire cutters, and old jewelry.  Just what's needed for making heirloom Christmas ornaments:

Out of view, but to the right and left of this area are two storage containers with more bits and baubles:

Chandelier crystals above and sweet little bits below.  It's like candy I tell you!

I hope you're having fun on your own work desk too!


  1. It does look like candy. Would love to see the finished result. Thanks for visiting the bears this week. :)

  2. oh such pretty things. I wouldn't know where to start.
    Thank you for popping by my blog earlier.
    blessings to you.

  3. Lots of trinkets and treasures to play with. Love the old wooden bowl and the tarnished chalice candy dish:)

  4. Ooh, lovely little bowls of treasure... and like Carole, my eye is drawn to the containers as much as the contents - beautiful! Thanks for your visit and happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  5. look at all the lovlies! Happy WOYWW Lindsay #110

  6. Hi Betsy, love your desk this week - all those pretty beads! I look forward to seeing the heirloom Christmas ornaments when you're done.

    Many thanks for visiting my blog earlier and for your good wishes ... they cheered me up as I'm sure you intended :) Still not made a decision about those papers but I will, eventually, I always do :))

    Happy WOYWW, what's left of it, and have a great week. Elizabeth x #114

  7. can't wait to see what you are making!!!

  8. ooh your desk is so full of lovely things to play with! Your ornaments are going to look fabulous! Thank you for visiting me and have a brilliant week xx #122

  9. Can't wait to see your ornaments with all the stash on your desk!!!
    Krisha #40

  10. Aww, Betsy - I wanna come and play with your stash...wanna, wanna, wanna.... How you tease us with all that sparkly, beady gorgeousness, I just want to dive right in. Please post what you make with it, I'd love to see, lol!!
    Hugs, LLJ #66 xx

  11. Lovely stuff! Can't think of much I like doing better than playing around with pretty old bits and bobs.... I'd love to see the results too! Thanks for stopping by today :-) x

  12. Hi Betsy
    I think you win the prize for the prettiest desk of the week. Lovely stuff
    thanks for sharing
    janet #58

  13. But that's not are tormenting with the story of the ornaments but no pics of the finished items...Next week for sure, please!!!

  14. Wow! Not even a peek at a finished ornament? Look forward to seeing those! Sandi #42

  15. ohooo lovely sparkly bits, so pretty what ever they become they will look fabulous!! Thanks for my snoop! Have a crafty week! HaPpY Late WOYwW!
    ((Lyn)) #25

  16. Please show us the results of those gorgeous jewels. I would sit there gloating over those little beauties. Have a great week. xx Maggie #33

  17. I understand why it's like candy, and I agree with you. The difference between us is that I would have no idea where to start to turn my idea into reality, can't wait to see your ornaments as you work on.

  18. bring a second round of blogluv~really just putting off setting the Silhouette up:):) Wanta come over?:):)


I love sharing creative stuff and would love to visit your blog! Thanks for stopping by!