
Oct 28, 2012

Kickin' It


I know. Nobody really likes errands right?  And when you're living with a lovely life challenge errands can bring on a new sense of dread.

But Saturday?  I kicked MS's butt.

With an upcoming hurricane in the northeast, I had a lot to get done.  And then I got the phone call from ds telling me he'll be competing an hour away from me.  To go or not to go.  For many, this would be an easy decision.  For for those with a lovely life challenge, the thought that must go into every activity can be aggravating.  And this mom wants to see her boy.

So on Saturday I went to the bank, shopped at the Farmer's Market, drove the hour to see ds, bought an outfit for an upcoming wedding in between events, started the drive home, exchanged the skirt for the right size, food shopped for the storm, walked the dog, wrote and posted an exam, and did as much computer work as I could (they're predicting major outages).

OK - that is most probably your normal day!  I know... I was normal once, too!  And I don't like tooting my own horn, but when you live with a lovely live challenge it helps to toot sometime.  So bear with me while I do it again:

I kicked MS's butt!

And ds and his crossfit team?  They kicked major butt, too!

That's a first place trophy!

Funny isn't it?  John and I both kicked it.  In very different ways.  But we both kicked it nonetheless.

All those living with chronic illness - kick it ! In any way you can ... even if it's a small accomplishment to some ... to you, it's major.  Kick it!


  1. Way to go, Betsy!!! (And John!) I'm so proud of you!!!

  2. that is just the BEST news I've heard in days!! WTG!!!! hoping for more days like that for you~

  3. Congratulations Betsy! You are such a hero. I continue to send prayers your way, my friend!

  4. Fantastic post! Way to kick it Girl!


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