
Jul 28, 2015

Creative Tuesday | Old Book Journaling

I've been having fun experimenting in my vintage ledger with various mixed media techniques, but couldn't really call a particular piece "finished" without adding words or journaling of some sort.

My ledger is a book of experiments and techniques ... not really a scrapbook or journal ... and I was finding it hard to put words down on the page.

I've discovered a fun compromise by cutting out words and phrases from old books and piecing them together to form my "journaling".

I have a small collection of old books that I've picked up ... mainly for their covers.

When the cat's got my tongue and I want to finish up a page, I'll use the words and phrases from a book to get the job done.

The words may seem like nonsense to others, but to me they hold  secret meaning and help finish my page.

Have a creative day!


  1. These look so beautiful! I have a store of old books bought for their covers alone, like you. I need to try some book journaling. Love this so much.

    ps. thank you for all your support! You have no idea how much you mean to me :)

  2. Gene Stratton Porter was an amazing author too. Her books are very hard to find these days. She wrote nature based fiction. A girl of the Limberlost was her most famous. She was a very early nature photographer too. I'd love to score some of her books at the used book store or antique mall.


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