Jun 25, 2015

Mom's a Geek : Emoji made Easy

My second installation of "Mom's a Geek" is something I've learned at a Mac One to One appointment.  I love how the Mac Geniuses will throw out an unrelated, but interesting nugget of info here and there during a One to One.  So it goes with the info I'm passing on today.

It's real easy to place an emoji or special character into your social media posts or on a document using a keyboard shortcut.

The Keyboard Shortcut for an emoji on the Mac is ^⌘Space .  It's quick and easy and a full menu of all sorts of emojis,  emoji categories, and special characters will pop up for your choosing.

I just ♥️this!  And yes, you can find the command symbol there: ⌘ (you'll have to scroll along the cateogories by clicking the double arrows on the bottom).

If the Keyboard Shortcut won't work for you, as it can be buggy here and there, you can choose emoji  & symbols from the menu bar:
 Edit > Emoji & Symbols

Now I can easily add a little snazz here and there to my posts and documents.

I hope this 2nd Mom's a Geek was helpful to some of you!


  1. I'm loving these tips!!! I told one of the geniuses that I do not want to work at the Apple Store, I just want their training!

  2. This is really neat, Betsy. Thanks for sharing!


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