
Mar 3, 2013

My Girl is Eight

... and I of course had to do the eight year portrait photo session.  
You can hear what she's thinking, can't you?

"NOOO!  Is it really this time of year again?! She puts this thing on my head and clicks her camera and tells me to 'smile' ?"

"Dear Lord.  Really?  Perhaps if I don't look at her she'll go away."

"She persistent, that owner of mine.  Well, she's not getting a smile out of me."

"Maybe if I pretend to fall asleep."

"Will this totally disinterested look work?"

"Really?!  You're going to continue with this?"

"It's no use.  I'm just hoping there's a present and cake at the end of this."

Doggie birthday crown courtesy of this digital kit:

After cutting with my Silhouette, I simply punched two holes in the bottom left and right of the crown and slipped a headband through.  Awwwww!


  1. Love this! Adorable. I have been enabled,so going shopping for the digital kit.

  2. Ha! I love this more than I can say! :)

  3. Awwwwwwwwwwww!! She is ADORABLE! Happy birthday!

  4. I think that is the cutest use of a cut file I've ever seen!

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