
Feb 12, 2013

Broken Noses and Blizzards

... are a couple of things that have kept me away from my blog.  It's been so neglected!

But when your 19 year old son calls you from college on his first night to say his nose was broken, but "everything's fine mom", and 2 weeks later you go to his college to see him, expecting to see a "fine" nose in alignment like this:

but instead see a nose in misalignment like this:

you're in for quite a few days away from home,  trying to fix the matter.

I did get to scrapbook while I was away helping ds.  Thinking ahead, I brought a JBS mini album kit from December and scrapped in the hotel.  It's so easy to scrap away from home when you have a kit with you.  

I wasn't thinking so clearly when I left for work Friday with a blizzard already starting in the northeast. I rolled out of bed, hardly looked in the mirror, and thought I should bring some scrapbook material to work just in case i'm snowed in but only grabbed jammies and a toothbrush.

If only I had brought this kit all would have been well.

Now wouldn't that have been fun!

I hope to be a better blogger!   (((I hear more snow is in the forcast)))!


  1. Ouch on the nose! Hope he's better now! Glad you took some stuff to work on :)

  2. Poor thing! I hope his nose heals up soon. Good thing you brought some stuff to keep your hands and mind busy and crafty! :)

  3. Love the idea of bringing a mini kit on your travels or for when your stuck somewhere!!! I always get the urge to do something creative when I'm on a vacation, etc. and this would be perfect...the photos could always be added later! TFS!!! xo

  4. I used to love it when my kids would call from college with some kind of catastrophie.... (sp?:), there was never really anything I could do, esp., if it came from a different state :)
    Well, you do have me drooling over your JBS studio....everything looks yummy!
    Have a great day!

  5. Sorry for the drama! Your project is pretty neat though.

  6. Oh my! Praying he doesn't have problems later. Poor kid, and love the travel kit. Just perfect!

  7. Oh No, that isn't good for him or you the traveler. I love phone calls from my children. It is hard not to worry when they tell you things like this.
    At least you have a scrapbook. Awesome kit.

  8. Oh, noooooooo! So sorry to hear about your son. Its wonderful you were able to go and stay and help him get 'straightened out'. Great idea to bring that kit along!

  9. I love the idea of taking a kit with you. That does make it easier. You're doing a great job with PL. The kit is yummy! So sorry to hear about your son. I got a scary phone call like that from my little brother when he was in college and went to stay with him for a few days too and helped him with his doctor's visits and meals. Scary but he healed up just fine.


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