
Jan 11, 2013

Kit Love

The January Mercantile Kit is swoon-worthy. The colors, the embellies, all the bits and pieces, the exclusive stamps and stencil - so much to love and create with.  And the exclusive cutting files ...  the dt has gone cutting crazy with them:

Jenni just has a "feel" for putting a kit together.  If you're not a subscriber, there's a special going on now, so it's the perfect time to give this kit club a whirl ...

Here's my latest layout made from the main PaperCrafting Kit:

That kit is sweetness? Isn't it?

Check out the design team gallery updates right here!


  1. I love JBS kits!!! And I love love love your lo!! LOVING the photos, the arrows and loveeeeeeeee that heart!! GORGEOUS!!!

  2. Fantastic page, Betsy! I love the heart! Wonderful design too!

  3. Fun page!
    Love the mix of photos and how you laid them out!

  4. I love your layout with the strips down the middle and placing the photos off of those. (if that makes sense :)


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