
Dec 28, 2012

Not Really a Resolution

... but more of a game ...

Are you like me and pin WAY more than you ever look at and use? When I need a recipe I'll even google for it instead of looking in my pins.  I have 222 pins on my "Make" board.  How many have I done? Zero!

So I announced Christmas Eve that I was going to play a game this coming year and was calling it "52 Pins".   I was going to USE one of my Pinterest pins in some form every week of the year.  I'm always talking about how much I PIN and how little I actually DO.

But then the prospect of COMMITTING to do this every.single.week.  was ... well ... frightening!

So I flipped the number "52" around and got "25". A much friendlier number.

I'd like to think of this more as a fun game for myself rather than declare it a resolution. But whatever you want to call it ... I hope I make it to 25! How about you? Do you really USE your pins?


  1. I love when people try something out from pintrest and share how it went...I'm looking forward to seeing this! I might try something similar. Might! Ha ha

  2. Good idea!!! I have created several things that I have pinned! :)

  3. I gave myself the task of "less pin more do" this year (my OLW was DO, so it worked nicely), and made lots of things from my pins. And I still love trying out new recipes I stumble on. Good luck with your project.

  4. Love this resolution! I do love getting ideas from pinterest but the ones I am usually most motivated to try are food related now. Which goes against all the fit-spo on there.

  5. Great resolution Betsy! I'm excited to see what you come up with :)


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