
Oct 10, 2012

Interview: SOS

Jamee from A New Kind of Normal interviewed me the other day for her "Sharing Our Spoons" feature.

It's most difficult to answer questions about living with a chronic illness without getting wordy and writing a 500 page book!  But I did, kept it simple, and you can read the interview here:

Jamee started the "Sharing Our Spoons" community based on a story that compares life with chronic illness with a handful of spoons, where a spoon is lost with each daily activity until your spoons are gone.

I used up ALL MY SPOONS this weekend to take a couple of classes at the Art-Is-You retreat in the next town over.  I took 2 classes: one from Leighanna Light and another from Taryn Reece.  They were wonderful and I learned so much from these two amazing artists!  Ya' - they were definitely worth using my spoons for!

Here are some of the things I made, but it was more about learning than the finished product to me.  I learned great techniques that I'll be using over and over.

They held a vendor filled Art Trunk one night, which I knew if I was to go, would again use up a TON of my "spoons".  But it was 10 minutes away!  How could I resist?!  So I went and found a bunch of sweet little goodies I can't wait to create with.  There was a wonderful paper-bag auction for charity too and as luck would have it I won this sweet little angel:

Oh I just love her!  I wasn't sure which artist made and donated her, but on my way out I shared the elevator with a woman who looked at my new doll and exclaimed, "Oh you won my doll!" The artist was in the elevator with me!  Her name is Elizabeth Duke and she is a talented seamstress and sews bridal dresses and more.  This sweet doll is made of gorgeous bridal lace and vintage linens.  How lucky I was to find this talented artist before I left!

her sweet wings

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful and creative day!


  1. Sounds like you had a fun time and learned many new things. Congrats on winning the beautiful doll. What a coincidence to run into the artist!

  2. I feel like I know you a little bit better~I would have never ever guessed by talking to you. Remain positive and inspired my friend!!!

  3. It's always fun to try something different! Fun doll!


I love sharing creative stuff and would love to visit your blog! Thanks for stopping by!