
Sep 24, 2012

I Could Be Pregnant

... with all the cleaning and organizing I've been doing around here!  I'm seriously in "nesting" mode.

Or perhaps it could be the "empty nest" that's given me some time to breathe and put things in order?

I've even put my scrapbooking supplies to work:

Being organized clears my head and allows me time to work on the fun stuff.  Truly.  Is there no better feeling than cleaning up and organizing something in your house?

Also working on Halloween decor.  Nothing too big - nothing like the talking scarecrow my dad created every year.   I just love making Halloween fun for the kidos that come to the door.  So I'm thinking of something cute - not scary.  First up are "Potion Bottles" I created using a new JBS digital kit: Apothecary Labels and Borders

You can easily make these and customize them with your family name or other silly title.  Read all about it here:  JBS Inspiration Blog

Have a great day!

PS: Mom, Dad: you can get up of the floor now.  You've GOT to know I was kidding!  


  1. You're so right, Betsy! Nothing like being organized in order to clear your head. I'm the same way. Love the potion bottles!

  2. And to think I was going to plan a baby shower for you!! :D

  3. That post title -- oh my gosh. I had to do my deep breathing.

  4. oh I love the labels!...and your lovely blog too!..thanks so much for visiting mine today :) Gina

  5. Ok those Halloween decorations are the cutest. I've been in full on nesting mode too:)


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