
Sep 28, 2012

Fun Stuff Friday

There's so much fun stuff going on ... so many things that can just put a smile on your face.  Here are the 3 latest things that have me smiling:

1.  Fiskars!

It was quite a while ago - gosh - months and months I think, that Amy encouraged me to be a Fiskateer.  She really didn't have to twist my arm, because being a Fiskateer meant I could attend your wonderful Fiskars crop party.  And what a great company Fiskars is!

So yes, it's been months. You can imagine my surprise when this came to the door:

... and i opened it ...

... and there they were ...

My own personalized Fiskateer Scissors!  Yep.  I'm number 8295!  Isn't this such a nice thing for a company to do?

If you'd like to become a Fiskateer too - go here!

2.  Picmonkey!

I was just ranting the other day to ds when he showed me his cool iphone photos that he flipped into instagram to get a great effect.  Ranting that I should be able to do this too - without an iphone.  No ... instagram doesn't let simple computers log in and have fun ... you need a fancy phone!

So how very happy I was when I heard about Picmonkey!  You can play with all sorts of effects with one little click!  OK sure - I can try to learn how to do this in PSE and spend all my time dodging and burning and blending and uggggh!  It's one click on Picmonkey!

3.  Feathers!  Oh my dear gosh I am just loving this new product:

They are so very pretty and so different ... and perfect for my layouts ...

... and this one will have to remain a sneak until it's my turn over at MSD in November.

So that's my fun stuff! Share your fun stuff too!  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh, My! First off, congrats on being a Fiskateer!! Yay!!! And secondly - YES!!! I want a smart phone so badly, but when I tell my hubby the only reason is so I can take good pictures with it and use the fun photo aps, well, he just doesn't seem to think it's worth the expense. :( So, I am SOOOO going to try Picmonkey! Thank you for sharing that! Now if I can just get a phone that has a decent camera on it!

    1. or Rebecca - just use any ol' camera and load the pics onto your computer and then go into picmonkey and use picmonkey on those pics. but beware - it is soooo addicting!

  2. Hi!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for posting about Picmonkey!! I've heard about it but not tried it so need to click your link :) I was like Rebecca telling hubby about this and to switch - LOL!! The things we do for picture fun! LOL!!

    Congrats on being a Fiskateer - a couple of my friends are Ambassadors (sp?) - Tami & Angela :) They ROCK and so does the Company! LOVE that you get your own scissors - how COOL~!!

    Thanks again - have a great weekend :)

  3. Thanks for the info about picmonkey!!! very cool thing!!!
    My Fisk-a-teer # is 627 my favorie scissors. Love the feathers!!!

  4. Hey Betsy!! So glad that your scissors arrived! YAY!!!!!


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