
Aug 23, 2012

What I did on Summer Vacation

Well besides enjoying an ocean breeze, riding my little yellow bicycle, cooking for armies, falling asleep on the deck with the girl, taking a ton of photos, and lots of other fun stuff, we rubbed some rocks again.  And like last year, everyone got into the act:

My favorite set of rocks turned out like this:

Sweet, aren't they?

And another thing I did on vacation was change up my blog.  This is the time of year I get the itch to do it.  I think it has something to do with school starting.  I hope to be a very good blogger "this year".

The rubons for the sweet little rocks were from a past JBS Mercantile kit.  If you act now, you will get these great rubons and tons of other goodies - all at a reduced price.  All past kits are on sale!  Grab one and have fun!

thanks for visiting!


  1. Welcome back, Betsy! :) My DD has quite the collection of smooth rocks she collected at the lake last year. She drew on some, painted on others, but why didn't I think of having her use rub ons (thunk, LOL!)

  2. Yay Betsy!!!

    Missed seeing/reading your posts!
    LOVE the blog make over!
    Do mine for me!! PLEASE?!?!?!?!

  3. Beautiful rocks and isn't getting away from it all great! Love the makeover.

  4. gosh. it is so sweet that your big boys will get into your crafties now and then.


I love sharing creative stuff and would love to visit your blog! Thanks for stopping by!