
Jul 20, 2012

A Winner, A Layout, and Nature's Pinata

We have a winner of the $20 Jenni Bowlin Studio Mercantile gift card!

Congrats to you Cristina!

Have a blast shopping!  

The JBS Mercantile Gazette for July is up!   There's so much stuff in there - a video, a layout from Jill that's one of my faves ever, and TONS more ...

I made a contribution, too - see how I turned a one photo sketch from Leah into a layout with SEVEN photos

And on a walk with "the girl" i spotted this right at head height - and had to tell the boys - but being so close and so tempting, they called it Nature's Pinata.  But I do hope they don't take that name literally ...


  1. Oh my gosh, Betsy, I love that layout with the hexagons.....your work always inspires me! How ARE you doing?

  2. Masterful mulit page layout! 7 photos and it does not seem crammed AT ALL - just wonderful! I love your stencil work!

  3. That layout is just fabulous!

    And that photo... wow. Haha, natures pinata :)


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