
Nov 16, 2012

Have You Seen .... ?

... the new look for an online magazine?

Scrapbook News and Review has completely revamped their look!

I'll be honest - it was hard to read their old magazine.  The colors, the setup .... it wasn't enticing at all.

This new look is GOR.GEOUS!  Ahhh ... a big thank you to whoever is behind the design!

I was also so very honored to be their Featured Artist for this big reveal issue:

The project featured is my Beachcomber's Book:

Created with the Jenni Bowlin Studio Digital Beach Bingo Card Kit.

Check out Scrapbook News and Review's new look!


  1. CONGRATS on being a featured artist!! That is AWESOME! Off to see it!!

  2. Your Beachcomer's Book looks lovely!! I love collecting bits from the shore, too! xo Evie

  3. Yay, Betsy! Very well deserved! That project is a true stunner!

  4. I didn't see that~a BIG congrats. I remember that shell collection, awesome project!!

  5. This is a great post thanks for writing it


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